Date 29-03-2025 Time 14:00
Location Online

Member Invitation

All members are invited to the club's AGM so that you can have your say in the future of the club. To run a successful meeting, we need members like you to cast your vote to ensure the club is running in the best interests of our members.

The Purpose of the AGM is to democratically elect 2025 office bearers in-line with the Guild's Default Club Constitution & report on the club’s operations during 2024.

Included in the invite:

The agenda for the AGM

The minutes of the last AGM

The club constitution

Call for nominations

Committee position descriptions

At the meeting, ordinary members will have the opportunity to:

Hear the club’s operational & financial reports from 2024,

Speak about items on the agenda,

Vote on any resolutions proposed,

Vote to elect the 2025 committee.


Members can attend in-person or online. It is helpful if members register their attendance so that the club can manage attendance numbers as a quorum of 10 ordinary members is required to run a successful AGM.

Submit a Motion

Ordinary members can submit a motion to add to the agenda if they wish. Please submit via email. Submissions Close: 28th March at 12pm

Call for Nominations

Nominations for the club’s 2025 committee positions are now open. You can find a list of roles, position descriptions and the benefits of becoming a committee member here. All ordinary members (current enrolled Curtin student & current member of this club) are invited to submit a nomination. Roles will be elected by Ordinary Members in attendance at the club’s Annual General Meeting. If you cannot attend the AGM, you may still submit a nomination however, you cannot cast a vote without attending the AGM.

Executive committee roles will be elected at the AGM. Nominations are open, submit yours here. Submissions Close: 29th March, 10am

Other committee roles will be elected at a later date as determined by the 2025 committee. Additional roles may be added as needed. Expressions of Interest are open, submit yours here.


Roquaya Al-Absawi
President, Bank Signatory RAA


Sarah Akrayyem
Roquaya Al-Absawi
President, Bank Signatory RAA
Zeineb Aljabiri
Maryam Almalah
Agha Muhammad Haider Mirza
masoodah rauf


Zehera Akmush
Shehed Al Kafaji
Tawah Alweisawi
Rokaya Kamil Shaibani
Nahla Shoeib
1 Agenda
2 Minutes from the last AGM
3 Club Constitution
4 Committee roles description